Female Reproductive Intro


General consideration


Review the anatomical relationships of the following structures of the mammalian female reproductive tract:



1      Describe the major morphologic features of organs listed above

2      Identify histologic sections of organs listed above



Relate basic morphology of organs of female reproductive tract to specific functions



Slide number        Source

1                      Ovary, Canine

115                  Ovary, Canine

9                      Ovary, Bovine


116                  Uterine tubes, Bovine

117                  Uterus, Bovine - 5th day postestrus

118                  Uterus, Bovine - 2nd day postestrus

119                  Uterus, Canine - 2nd day postestrus

120                  Cervix, Bovine

198                  Vagina & Urethra, Canine - non-estrus and estrus