Nerve tissues
Nerve tissues
Neurohistology Lab Objectives:
A. Identify neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and ependymal cells in the CNS.
B. Identify axons, myelin, and lemmocytes associated with nerves and ganglia in the PNS.
C. Be able to distinquish white matter (collections of myelinated axons) from gray matter
(accumulations of neuronal cell bodies) in the CNS.
D. Be able to identify dura mater, arachnoid, subarachnoid space, and pia matter.
E. Be able to identify peripheral nerves, describe their structure, and identify their components.
F. Be able to identify spinal ganglia, describe their structure, and identify their components.
#51 PNS - Sciatic nerve - equine
#55 PNS - Spinal ganglion - bovine
#54 CNS - Spinal cord - canine
#48 CNS - Cerebellar Cortex from swine
#49 CNS - Cerebral cortex - canine